Yeast Infections: What You Need To Know
Having to deal with a yeast infection can be embarrassing and painful. Asking a friend isn't always the way to go, but seeking the right information on yeast infections can help you learn to prevent and treat it. The following article offers many tips and techniques about yeast infections. natural cure yeast infection men
You should avoid stress as much as you can to avoid getting a yeast infection. Stress negatively impacts your immune response, which compromises your ability to prevent and combat infections.
You should avoid stress as much as you can to avoid getting a yeast infection. Stress keeps your immune system from working properly, which means that your body won't be able to fight off a yeast infection very well.
Get some sleep. You'll need your immune system working at its full capacity to fight off yeast infections. Not getting enough sleep will make you more prone to yeast infections. Therefore, avoid caffeinated drinks or exercises before bedtime, and stick to a routine sleep schedule to get good quality sleep.
When you are treating a yeast infection with a cream, do not use diaphragms or condoms. Your treatment can interfere with these methods of birth control. Rather, try to abstain until the infection has subsided. If you do not wish to abstain, ask your doctor about a back-up form of birth control to use while you wait.
Only use gentle, non-irritating products on your vagina, avoiding scents. You can get irritated and cause a yeast infection by using irritating scented sprays or cleansers. Also, stay away from scented feminine hygiene products. Avoid the dyes present in colored toiletry paper.
A warm bath before bed with two cups of apple cider vinegar in it could help. Vinegar can help balance your pH and keep the growth to a minimum. Stay in the tub for ten to fifteen minutes. Douche with cider vinegar combined with water to clean your area effectively.
If you swim or exercise frequently, know that you need to change clothing just as frequently. Avoid sitting around in clothes that are hot and wet with sweat after you are done. The moisture in this kind situation is very conducive to yeast growth. Change your clothes right after working out. Don't forget to switch your underwear while you're getting your clothes changed.
Get proper rest. The immune system in your body can fight effectively against yeast infections. Not getting enough sleep will negatively impact your immune system. Try to have a regular sleeping schedule, and avoid exercising or drinking caffeine before bedtime to get some quality sleep.
Do you have any scrapes or scratches on your vagina? Even the smallest scratch or scrape on the vagina may increase your chances of getting a yeast infection. The use of tampons, or even sex, can leave such scrapes and scratches. Be gentle! Rough sex can lead to great discomfort.
Cotton underwear can be very helpful in your quest to minimize yeast infections. Yeast likes it moist, and synthetic undergarments will keep it moist. Make sure to choose only 100 percent cotton, and change your underwear after periods of exercise or any other time you are prone to sweating. That way, you will remain dry and clean.
As was mentioned in the introduction, yeast infections are annoying and irritating, but when you know how to handle them, your life becomes easier. Take what you've learned and use it to ensure your problems are over with.